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Mafia Playstation 2 video game cheat codes

playstation 2 cheat codes

Mark of Kri, Playstation 2 Cheat Codes


AT the title screen ......

Stronger Opponents- press: X, Circle, Square, Square, X, Square, Circle, Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X. Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

Unlimited Arrows- X, Circle, Square, Square, X, Square, Circle, Circle, X, Square, Square, X. Playstation 2 Cheat Codes PS 2

Invincibility- press SQUARE, CIRCLE, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, X, CIRCLE, X, SQUARE, CIRLCE, X. Playstation 2 Cheat Codes PS 2

Health Items Restore 100% Life- press X, X, X, X, SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE Playstation 2 Cheat Codes PS 2

Turn of Arena AI- press X, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, X, CIRCLE, SQUARE, X. Playstation 2 Cheat Codes PS 2

Unlock Battle Arenas-Complete all Baumusu's Challenge to unlock that particular Level's Arena Playstation 2 Cheat Codes PS 2.

Unlock Costumes and Extra Art- beat the arenas Playstation 2 Cheat Codes

Weapon Selection-Find all the Tuku in the game Playstation 2 Cheat Codes PS 2